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[Half-Life] Female Vortigaunts NSFW

Time for something classic and new! A voluptuous and feminine version of the vortigaunt with several optional features and outfits, as well as an alternate version of the model that uses the animations of the default vortigaunt from the game. [Features] - 2 versions of the base model - Flexes for breasts, genitals and butt inspired by the flexes seen on the Thick Sangheilis - Jiggle physics for breasts and butt [Credits] - Original model and texture by Valve - Original genital models by [Acro748](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/Acro748/about-me?gameId=1704) - Port and total modification by me [AlphaWolf77](https://x.com/AlphWlf77) (myself)

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